Sunday, 26 November 2017

Umbrella of Darkness - Healing through Emptiness

Last two weeks I attend a talk by Yasmin Mogahed in Kuala Lumpur. Honestly, I never heard of her before. I'm not someone that you know often going to religious talks. But you know, when you have good friends they gonna bring you to good place. Alhamdulillah for this rizqi. So my girlfriends asked me to come with them to this talk. The topic was "Umbrella of Darkness - Healing through Emptiness". MasyaAllah I'm really grateful for the opportunity to learn such meaningful knowledge, InsyaAllah  would like to share with you some of the input that I got during the talk. I will try to simplify the points so it will be easier to understand.

When we are facing problems, there are three factors that gonna determine on how we gonna react or how the problem is affecting us. It doesn't matter what kind of problem we are facing. It could be a problem n relationship, it could be financial problem. It could be anything. In this situation we gotta do some analysis.

What we have in our mind and how we react to our problem are co-related to each other. So, here are few factors that we must think through when we are in hardship.

  1. Internal vs External - Does the problem happen internally? Is it entirely our fault or do we blame other people for it?
  2. Stable vs Unstable - Do you think you will always be in bad condition or do you think that it is bad now but it will get better some day?
  3. Local vs Global - Local is when you think that you are facing one problem but there is a whole lot other thing that is doing fine. Global is when you think everything is bad because of one problem. A simple example, you might have a terrible heartbreak from a relationship. If you think locally, only that one point of life is affected, or bad. But you have millions of other things that you can be happy and grateful with. You still have rizqi from God, you have your parents, a lot of other things you could see the beautiful creation of Allah, etc. 
So basically address this factors and it will help us on approaching and react to our problem. Sometimes we do ask why bad things happen to good people? The answer to this is 

"No matter what happen always have a good opinion of Allah"

So why bad things still happen to good people? 

  1. You must remember that anything that happen to a believer is not bad. We are a believer to Allah, to Islam right?
  2. Allah didn't give us what we want to protect us. One good example given by ustazah Yasmin was an incident involving her toddler. He get off from the car by his own and he wanted to close the door by himself. But he was in the position that if he close the door he would slam his head. So ustazah as a mother know this would happen, of course her toddler didn't know. So ustazah picked up her toddler and close the door instead of letting her toddler doing it. What was the reaction of her son? He was crying so bad because he didn't get to close the door right? But would ustazah, as a mother know that bad thing would happened let things be? No, she reacts, she didn't allow it. This is a good analogy when we said Allah want to protect us. Who knows what will happen if we continue doing what we suppose not to do. 
  3. We got hardship because Allah either wants to purify our sins. A hardhip in dunya to replace the worse punishment in akhirat, InsyaAllah.
  4. To raise our rank. It could be our ibadah are not enough for Allah to raise our rank so he give us trial in dunya. 
  5. To make us feel humble because every rizqi are from Him. We don't want to be like Karun that were getting a lot of wealth but later become too proud and said everything happen because of his own hardwork, not from Allah. 
  6. To bring us back to Allah. Because when we are in hardship we turn to God for help, for forgiveness.

Allah mentioned that with hardship is ease. So as a human we must focus on what we have instead of what we don't have. We want to eat cakes but a piece from the whole cake is missing. Are we going to make a fuss from a piece that is gone or are we going to appreciate the rest of the cake that left? And always remember, no live is perfect. Everyone has their own trials given by Allah.

So how do we go out from hardship? Remember that Allah gonna solve our problem but we gotta do our part. We work to overcome our problem and we tawakkal to Allah. People said time gonna heal a broken heart. It's wrong, it's bullshit. How do you treat a gunshot wound? By letting time to heal it? Time only gonna make the wound get worse, infected. We treat it, we go to the doctors, we take medicine. And after all of that we tawakkal to Allah that the wound would recover. I see a lot of opinion given on twitter about depression. People with no experience said just recite quran, salah, pray to Allah that the depression will go away. Well it's true but it's wrong. Of course we have to salah but we have to work to treat it. Go to psychologist, have a treatment take a medicine if needed and at the same time, tawakkal to Allah. Pray, recite quran, salah. We turn to Allah for our problem but we work hard as well to try to solve our problem. 

How do we differentiate a trial an punishment that is given by Allah to us? If it is trial, we become closer to Allah. But if is punishment, we distance ourselves from Allah but even if it is punishment we can always come back and repent. Allah Maha Pengampun. 

How to be positive and grateful inspite of trials we are facing? Practice of gratitude. When you wake up, think about all that you can be grateful of. And always helps others that are in pain. To survive in this world, other than work hard to solve any problem, maintain our salah, dua, and Quran InsyaAllah, we will manage to go through every trials and hardship we are facing. 

Another interesting knowledge that I got during this talk is istikharah. Unfortunately people doing this only on choosing life partner. We do istikharah when we have try our best and we want Allah to show us the way, to lead us. Allah didn't promise us dream as His answer, of course there is a Hadith about dream as the answer to istikharah. So how do we know if Allah is showing us the right way?That this is the right thing to do? Let say if we are working on something, we work hard on it and we did istikharah at the same time but there is block on the road you are pursuing. You solved it and another block coming. That is the answer to your istikharah. Or at the same another option is open easy for you. That is the answer to your istikharah. I have my share on istikharah before my job interview last year. I had a feeling of if this is the right job for me to pursue. I did the istikharah and I go to the interview. Alhamdullilah, I got the job, my interview went smoothly. And I actually miss my first interview appointment.  It was my mistake. I was supposed to go for the interview a week before but I wrongly read the date. I was watching a debate between Trmp and Hillary when the HR called me asking why am I not in the office for the interview. But Allah make it easier for. The company give me the second chance for interview and I actually get he job. 

Work your ass off and put your trust in Allah. Orang melayu kata rezeki takkan datang bergolek. 

I had a heartbreak last year. A terrible a heartbreak that changed my life 100%. It took such a long time for me to recover from my sadness and I don't think I've completely redha and forgive the person who did me wrong. But this talk by ustazah wake me up from my long sadness that I should keep the driving analogy. We need to drive forward but we need to rear view mirror to look at the back. Do not let the pain of our past stop us from moving on with our life. I re analyse my problem. It is unstable, because I will get better and the problem will past, it is local because I have a lot of other good things in my life. And instead of addressing this externally, I finally forgive those people who did me wrong and address this internally. I work hard to move on. I become closer to my family and friends, I went to this talk, I shop because well women are happier when we shop, I went for holiday, I'm enjoying my life and at the same time I pray to Allah that this sadness will go away, and Alhamdulillah, I'm living happily now. Happier I guess. No boyfriend yet but happy 🤣

I wrote this based on my understanding it might have mistakes here and there but I hope everyone can make us of this.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Sumo Kitchen D’Polo Cafe

Pagi ni saja saja scroll Instagram feed saya sendiri, terjumpa pulak satu gambar burger bakar yang saya makan di Sumo Kitchen D’Polo Cafe back in 2015. Honestly saya taktau Kalau masih ada atau tidak tapi Sumo Kitchen ni pernah viral among student UTP dulu. Kenapa viral? Cuba tengok ni.

Monday, 13 November 2017

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co

Asyik tulis entry ke Jogja je boring la pulak harini saya nak share this one popular place for shrimp lover, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Restaurant ni bukan lah those place yang kita boleh pilih udang suruh dia masak macam restaurant tomyam ye 😝 It is actually an American seafood restaurant  chain yang diinspirasikan dari filem Forrest Gump (1994). Honestly I never watch this film haha.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Jogjakarta Trip Day 2: Jurang Tembelan, Wisata Seribu Kayu, Rumah Hobbit, Hutan Pinus, Goa Pindul, Pantai Timang

Hari kedua di Special Region of Jogjakarta.

Plan asalnya kami nak mulakan trip di hari kedua dengan melihat sunrise di Jurang Tembelan. Tapi tak sempat sebab Pak Salim ada masalah dengan pipe air dirumahnya jadi kami keluar sedikit lambat. 

Fact: Kebanyakan kawasan Jogja yang berada di luar pekan masih lagi menggunakan air yang dipam sendiri dari bawah tanah. Kalau dekat Malaysia mak mak kita panggil pam Jepun tu. Takde bekalan air macam kita yang hampur keseluruhan kawasan diuruskan kerajaan negeri. Saya sempat berborak dengan driver jeep kami di Pantai Timang, dia cakap di kawasan kampung sebelum naik ke Pantai Timang tu bila masuk musim panas dan sumber air kering, penduduk akan beli air yang berharga 80 000 IDR sebanyak 5000 litre. Untuk keluarga yang besar boleh la bertahan 2 hingga 3 minggu. 

Kami sampai di Jurang Tembelan lebih kurang pukul 6 pagi tapi dah trang tang tang. Kat sini kami bergambar di tepi tepu jurang tu. Banyak platform untuk bergambar yang dibina untuk pelancong. Kedai kedai makan pon banyak kalau nak breakfast. Tapi kami tak makan sebab awal awal lagi kami dah pesan dengan pihak hotel untuk tapaukan breakfast. Oh yes, dekat sini hotel memang tahu kita pelancong suka keluar awal pagi. So a night before tu korang boleh request untuk bungkus breakfast siap siap. Hotel will pack your breakfast nicely so korang senang bawak.

Jurang Tembelan

Dari Jurang tembelan kami bergerak pula ke Wisata Serbu Kayu dan Rumah Hobbit yang terletak dalam satu kawasan yang sama. Tempat ni tak jauh pon dari Jurang Tembelan. Dalam perjalanan tu Pak Salim berhenti sekejap di tepi jalan untuk tunjukkan kami pokok kayu putih. Daun pokok ni la yang dibuat minyak kayu putih. Kalau taktau bau dia seakan akan bau minyak telon yang selalu kita pakaikan dekat baby tu. Wangi beb. Dari sini kami singgah pula di Hutan Pinus. Cantik kawasan ni masa kami datang ada sekumpulan makcik pakcik tengah exercise di kawasan ni. Pokok pinus ni semua tinggi tinggi dan lurus.

Dari sini kami terus ke activity menarik hari ini. Cave Tubing di Goa Pindul! Mula mula kami tak bercadang pon nak ke sini sebab kononnya tanak basah basah baju. Tapi Pak Salim insist tempat ni best so kitorang decide why not. Sumpah tak menyesal pergi in fact this is one of the best place to be visited. Dekat sini kami bayar 200 000 IDR seorang untuk 3 activities which are cave tubing, river tubing, dan caving. .kami kongsi 100 000 untuk hire photographer di sepanjang kami di dalam gua tu. Dari tempat membuat bayaran kami dibawa naik lorry ke tempat nak tubing ni. Panas panas naik lorry terbajkar muka makcik haha. Kami bergerak dalam satu kumpulan bersama pelancong lain. Kebetulan semasa kami di situ ada sekumpulan makcik pakcik dari Surabaya buat reunion after 50 years kemain meriah kauuu. Korang boleh tengok gambar gambar kat bawah ni untuk activity kitorang di sini.

Kitorang naik lori ni ramai ramai untuk ke gua  lepastu maisng maisng kena angkat satu tube.

Lepas cave tubing kitorang ke river tubing pulak. Waktu kami ke sini belum lagi musim hujan jadi air keruh dan surut. Kalau musim hujan selalunya jaring akan dipasang in case ada yang jatuh. tebing tu pon tak nampak tau kalau musim hujan. BTW manage to find Rangga super sado here :p

Highlight of the day mestilah Pulau Timang. Pulau Timang sejak beberapa tahun ni mula popular lebih lebih lagi sejak Running Man lakukan penggambaran di sini. Bak kata driver jeep kami "berapa jumlah penduduk di Malaysia itu? Hari hari mesti tak kurang 200 pelancong dari Malaysia ke sini". Memang ramai pengunjung dari Malaysia melawat ke kawasan pantai/pulau Timang ni. Pengunjung boleh memilih untuk menaiki jeep atau ojek/motor untuk ke kawasan pulau timang. Bayaran untuk jeep adalah 350 000 IDR manakala Ojek 100 000 sahaja. Untuk uols yang nak datang ke sini janganlah tawar lagi sebab harga memang dah dikira sangat sangat berpatutan dengan jalan yang sangat lah tak sempurna. Naik jeep pon kenna berpaut tau. Dan kalau boleh pilih la untuk menaiki jeep terutamanya kalau hujan. Jalan akan licin dan bahaya untuk naik ojek. Sewaktu kami pergi, dua hari sebelum itu ada pelancong dari Malaysia jatuh dan patah bahu sebab jalan yang licin.

Perjalanan lebih kurang 20 minit ke pulau timang sangat berbaloi sebab korang memang akan disajikan dengan pemandangan yang sangat sangat cantik. Subhanallah kawasan yang jauh dari hiruk piruk bandar menghadap lautan biru ombak tinggi. Memang saya terpegun sangat. Untuk ke Pulau Timang ni korang ada pilihan untuk berjalan di atas jambatan atau naik gondola the manual cable car. Mesti la saya pilih utnuk naik gondola. Mula mula saya memang takut dan mereka benarkan kami naik bedua. Kami spend masa lebih kurang satu jam di sini ambik gamba di tepi tebing dan sebagainya. Kalau boleh nak tunggu sunset di sini tapi mengenangkan jalan yg berbahaya dan hari makin gelap, kami decide untuk balik sahaja. Balik ni mestilah naik gondola sorang sorang baru feel!

Oh ya kalau ke sini tak sah kalau tak makan lobster. Kami spend 600 000 IDR untuk 6 ekor lobster (2 jenis masakan), sotong goreng tepung, bawal goreng, dan sayur tempe beserta air. Fuhh terduduk kekenyangan memang puas gila!

Balik dari pantai timang ni saya memang pengsan sepanjang perjalanan. Sedar sedar je kawan kawan ajak singgah di murtabak 100+ Rasa. Memang macam macam filling ada cheese, blueberry, even yang traditional pon ada. Sedap! Dinner kami makan murtabak ni je sebab masih kekenyangan melahap lobster. Itupon separuh mata je terbukak sebab mengantuk dan letih seharian berjalan